
Friday, October 28, 2011

Musing - Mum's the Word

Last Sunday the weather was really beautiful so we thought that we would take advantage and try and get some pics of Lucy. The weather cooperated; Lucy, not so much. But we did manage to snap a few that I thought were pretty good.

After we gave up on getting the staged shots, we took the kids to a local park, and Brian and I took a few candid shots that I thought turned out ok. I especially like the ones of Lucy, although my heart is breaking that she is getting so big so fast. Her daddy was teaching her how to skip rocks; it is a skill that he has enjoyed helping each of our children develop. I am sure before long, Lucy will be a pro!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mayhem - Hat's ON to our Terrific Kid!

OK. In spite of all the evidence that seems to point to the contrary, lol, it has been officially confirmed......Cage is a terrific kid. A Kiwanis Terrific kid, that is.

Each month, the teachers submit a candidate for the Kiwanis Terrific kid for their classroom, and Cage received the award for his class for the month of October. Recipients are given a bumper sticker, pencil, sticker and certificate, and they are also recognized at a school lunch where they get to sit at a special table, wear funny hats, and eat a special meal. (After looking at the picture of the meal, I'd say they take a great deal of liberty with the word "special." But that's just my humble opinion!)

Brian and I were both feeling under the weather the day of his luncheon, but in true Great Dad fashion, Brian sucked it up and went down to the school to eat with him. Cage picked out both of their hats. Clearly he was going for a Mardi Gras theme. Or a "My dad isn't quite tall enough" theme. Or maybe it was a combination of both? Either way, they both look mighty cute....

So, hat's on to Cage for being the kind of person that would warrant a nomination for being a Terrific Kid. And thanks to the Kiwanis club for recognizing kids for just being good kids. I certainly think the world could use a little more of that kind of recognition, don't you?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mayhem - Open Wide!

We recently had our bi-annual round of dental check-ups. Of course, I do not intend to blog every six months regarding the state of our children's pearly whites, but this time was special. This time, Park had his very first visit to the dentist's office on the OTHER side of the door!

Needless to say, he was both nervous and excited. He peppered his more knowledgable older brothers with questions regarding their prior experiences.

He obviously did not like some of their answers.

Payne found the waiting room to be a little lacking in kid friendly reading material, so he decided that now would be a good time to catch up on what Justin Timberlake was doing these days. I found this to be pretty humorous, so I snapped a photo for posterity and then proceeded to hide the magazine away under a stack of more age-appropriate literature (using that term loosely).

They finally called all of the kids back, and Park got to meet his hygienist.

After having his teeth counted, he picked the cherry flavor toothpaste over the mint and the cinnamon. He especially thought it was fun to have "Mr. Thirsty" suck all the water out of his mouth.

After receiving a glowing report from the dentist, he got to choose a toothbrush and a brushing timer, and of course, the real loot, a bouncy ball that he got with his token.

I wish every visit to the dentist office ended with the patient smiling this big!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mayhem - It's a Three-peat!

This past weekend, we celebrated Payne's third birthday. It really is hard to believe that this little guy has already turned three. As cliche as it sounds, it really does go by so very fast! Payne has successfully completed all of the requirements of the Terrible Two's and is currently right on track for enrollment into the Tenacious Three's. But we love him anyway... and he makes us smile...and we couldn't imagine life without him! Happy Birthday Buddy! We love you and are so glad that you are part of our family!

Our 7 lb 4 oz preemie!

The cutest little one year old sock monkey you will ever see!

Shiver me timbers! Jack Sparrow, eat your heart out!

Look at me, I'm Three!

Quality Control!

I'll huff and I'll puff.....

Wow, this cupcake is as big as my head!

Don't even think about it!

Hot wheels for the Hot Rod!

Makin' tracks!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mayhem - Bat-ter Up - Get It? He's A Bat

Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da BATMAN, starring Banks - the boy wonder!

The 2nd graders at the boys' elementary school recently put on a musical entitled SQUIRM. It was all about the creepy crawlers that make you shudder and squirm, and I must say, the kids did a wonderful job.

Banks is the bat in the belfry. Or as Payne says "Banks is in the Taco Bell."

Our little second grader tried out for, and was awarded, a "speaking" part. He was given the oh-so-important role of "Bat Number 1."

Yes, our little football jock is also quite the thespian. Banks actually really loves to speak and sing, and it is a lot of fun to watch him perform. He did a great job. Ever see a bat do air turntables? It was quite impressive.

Whether Banks ends up playing for the Crimson Tide or thanking the Academy remains to be seen, but what is clear is that he enjoys developing his talents and trying new things. I wish I was more like my son. I think life would be a lot more fun! Way to go Banks, we are so proud of what you are accomplishing!