
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Musing and Mayhem - Everything but the Kitchen Sink Post and a Resolution to Try and Post More Often

This post has been a long time coming.  Of course, the holidays are always a hectic time of year and this year was no different.  There were Christmas parades and Christmas concerts for the Central Park Swamp Band, a recorder band in which Cage participated.

There was our annual hot chocolate and checking out christmas lights tour:


 There was a trip to Silver Dollar City:

There was Christmas Eve and Christmas morning:

There were talents developed:

And there was one birthday and two cakes:

And of course the incidentals:  one piano recital for two children, one flat tire in the middle of a chilly Mississippi night, one batch of homemade caramel, one batch of peppermint bark, one batch of crockpot candy (thanks Hazel, for the inspiration), one root canal, one work Christmas party, one sad boy who wanted a "big" present, and lots of good memories to tuck away and save for another time.

But most of all there were blessings counted and and the opportunity to teach our children of the greatest gift of all:  our Savior Jesus Christ.  We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas season, and we extend our heartfelt wishes for the most wonderful of new years!