
Friday, February 10, 2012

Mayhem - Our "One" derful Daughter!

~For Grins and Giggles~

Leslee-Kate's 1st Birthday
Lucy's 1st Birthday
Looks like they have more in common than their one year old facial features.  Apparently they have the same eating style as well!

For those unfamiliar with our story, in January of 2001, we had a our first child - a lovely little daughter (reference top pic).  I remember vaguely wondering if we would ever have a boy.  I should not have worried;  5 of them followed their older sister into our family.

When we found out we were expecting yet again, the thought of a girl just did not even cross my mind.  In fact, I told everyone I knew that I was certain that our baby was "just another stinkin' boy." (With humor of course.) Imagine our surprise when, 10 years to the day later, our next little princess finally arrived in a grand fashion!  She decided to show up on her big sister's birthday and spoil all hopes that Leslee-Kate had of a party!

Although our little lady arrived in a big way (and I do mean big - she was 9lb 1oz, three weeks early), we are so happy to have her as part of our family.  She has been a great sleeper and she adores her older sibs.  Most days when she goes missing, all I have to do is look in the toy room upstairs (she is an awesome stair climber, to Mommy's dismay).  Usually she's right there playing with Payne and Park or watching TV or cruising around the room.

This year we opted for a family celebration to celebrate the little misses' birthday.  We thought that it only seemed fair that after last year, Leslee-Kate should be the real party girl this year, and Lucy should have it more low-key.  So I just made her a little ladybug smash cake and let her go at it.  I think she enjoyed it.

The last year has been one of milestones and memories, mayhem and maladies, mysteries and miracles.  But the overwhelming consensus will always remain the same:  Yes, world, we do love Lucy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mayhem - Wednesday Funnies

In a house as full as ours is, sometimes ya just gotta wait for the comic relief:

Payne (while sitting in a parked car with Dad and the kids):  Yells loudly, "Adagio! Adagio!"
Daddy:  "What does Adagio mean Payne?"  (For the record, adagio is a musical term meaning to be played slowly and gracefully.)
Payne:  "Adagio means......Park is stupid."

Dad (while slamming on brakes as a car pulls out in front of him):  "Shoot-a-monkey! (And just don't ask, because I just don't know.......)
Teague (jumping frantically forward to look out the window):  "You mean there's a monkey in the road?

And, just because he wanted to be like the "Real" Superman:

Didn't know Superman wore camo, but I guess the man of steel can wear whatever he wants.....

Mayhem - Grandpa Teague

Disclaimer - yes, I know Christmas was over a month ago.  I have been working to get something different up here, and hopefully it will be done soon.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  The Mom

Back to Teague:

This past month the kids celebrated 100 days of school.  They did this by dressing up like they were 100 years old.  They also did projects where they used one hundred of something to create a work of art.  If you ever wondered what Teague would look like as a wise, old gentleman, well here ya go!

Old Man Massey
His project was Brian's idea, and I thought it was pretty creative.  They printed out a picture of a parrot and used 100 water balloons for the feathers.  It was Brian's idea, but Teague did all the leg work (or feather work, in this case.)

Our little parrot head.
Eat your heart out, Jimmy  Buffet!